
Behaviour & Discipline Policy


The Crossroads Academy Behavior and Discipline policy has been developed with the aim of helping our students understand and practice appropriate behavior. It states the expectations the school has of the students and the general consequences of acting contrary to these. 
Discipline is distinct from punishment because it seeks to correct and restore within a loving and forgiving context. Love includes acceptance, care, nurture, and also correction and admonishment (2 Timothy 4:2). 
The goal of discipline is to disciple students in the ways of God. It is important that we help our students understand why unacceptable behavior is wrong and the consequences that follow. We encourage students to do what is right because it is right and honors God. As we seek to live out our mission, it is important that the students understand clearly the boundaries that have been put in place to enhance a suitable learning environment for all and an atmosphere that encourages each one to attain their full potential. All children should be able to learn, and no child should keep another from being able to learn. Teachers strive to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for the children in which they work and live as a Christian community. 
The primary method of correction during the early years is the “thinking chair” (time out). With older children, certain privileges may be withheld as a form of discipline. Methods of discipline will vary according to age groups and the nature of the misdemeanor. Teachers are strictly prohibited from carrying out physical discipline, intimidation, or verbal abuse and must operate within the school’s guidelines which are established on a Biblical premise. Consistency and fairness will guide all disciplinary measures taken and recognition and affirmation of good behavior is always given.
Teachers will always contact parents if there is ever a situation that needs to be discussed. It is important for parents and teachers to work together in order to raise well-behaved and disciplined young people. Teachers employ wisdom, discretion and creativity in dealing with diverse cases of indiscipline. Root causes for bad behavior are sought. Parents are asked to reinforce the regulations as described here where necessary.
