
Fundamental Strategy


Some of our most fundamental strategies in meeting our mission and objectives are:

A Theocentric Approach
God is at the center of all life, the source of all truth and life, Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” He is truth and as such to know truth, we must know God. All avenues of truth stem from Him and are interpreted considering His nature and work. This nature and work as well as His plan and purpose for human beings are revealed in scripture.

A Biblical Approach
We look to the Bible for both the origin and form of Christian education. The purposes, methods and institutional expressions thereof must be rooted and based on scripture. It is the final authority for our understanding of truth.

Unapologetically Christian
The educational process must support Christian values and as such a Christian orientation. The intention of Crossroads Academy is to be unapologetically Christian in its structures; it’s hiring, its teaching and its witness. Anyone enrolling their child in Crossroads Academy must recognize this, and consents to their child’s full participation in all the activities of the Christian community with the full recognition that one of the objectives of the school is to evangelize to the children and bring them into a saving faith with Jesus Christ.

Academic Excellence
In accordance with Scripture, the natural outcome of Christian education should be excellence in all areas, including academics. Every child should excel according to their level of ability (2 Corinthians 8:7-12).Tapping and developing every child’s potential is a priority. However, it should be noted that academic excellence is but one of our objectives and will not be pursued as an end in itself, also, it will not be at the expense of the holistic well-being of the children.

